Cognition in Children for Teachers

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This video-cast discusses the brain origins of Emotions and is the first in a three part series of Emotion and Cognition. It discuss the control that Cognition can have on emotions and behavior.

References in the video-cast
The Following references are relevant to all three video-casts on Emotion and Cognition
  1. Bonell, C., et al., Effects of the Learning Together intervention on bullying and aggression in English secondary schools (INCLUSIVE): a cluster randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 2018. 392(10163): p. 2452-2464.
  2. Byrne, R.W., Imitation as behaviour parsing. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 2003. 358(1431): p. 529-36.
  3. Day, F.R., K.K. Ong, and J.R.B. Perry, Elucidating the genetic basis of social interaction and isolation. Nat Commun, 2018. 9(1): p. 2457.
  4. Dray, J., et al., Systematic review of universal resilience interventions targeting child and adolescent mental health in the school setting: review protocol. Syst Rev, 2015. 4: p. 186.
  5. Fenwick-Smith, A., E.E. Dahlberg, and S.C. Thompson, Systematic review of resilience-enhancing, universal, primary school-based mental health promotion programs. BMC Psychol, 2018. 6(1): p. 30.
  6. Galang, C.M. and S.S. Obhi, Automatic imitation does not predict levels of prosocial behaviour in a modified dictator game. Acta Psychol (Amst), 2020. 204: p. 103022.
  7. Gonzalez-Ponce, I., et al., Using the Conceptual Framework for Examining Sport Teams to Understand Group Dynamics in Professional Soccer. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022. 19(23).
  8. Haas, M. and M. Mortensen, The Secrets of Great Teamwork. Collaboration has become more complex, but success still depends on the fundamentals. Harvard Business Review, 2016: p. 71-77.
  9. Herkama, S., et al., Facilitators and Barriers to the Sustainability of a School-Based Bullying Prevention Program. Prev Sci, 2022. 23(6): p. 954-968.
  10. Kedia, G., et al., Brain networks of social comparison. Neuroreport, 2013. 24(5): p. 259-64.
  11. Liu, Z., The Role of Connectedness and Psychological Hardiness in EFL Teachers' Pedagogical Effectiveness. Front Psychol, 2022. 13: p. 877057.
  12. Mussweiler, T. and A. Ockenfels, Similarity increases altruistic punishment in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2013. 110(48): p. 19318-23.
  13. Nishimura, Y., Y. Ikeda, and S. Higuchi, The relationship between inhibition of automatic imitation and personal cognitive styles. J Physiol Anthropol, 2018. 37(1): p. 24.
  14. Premo, J., et al., Which Group Dynamics Matter: Social Predictors of Student Achievement in Team-Based Undergraduate Science Classrooms. CBE Life Sci Educ, 2022. 21(3): p. ar51.
  15. Sainz, V. and B. Martin-Moya, The importance of prevention programs to reduce bullying: A comparative study. Front Psychol, 2022. 13: p. 1066358.
  16. Salmivalli, C., et al., Bullying Prevention in Adolescence: Solutions and New Challenges from the Past Decade. J Res Adolesc, 2021. 31(4): p. 1023-1046.
  17. Southwick, S.M. and D.S. Charney, The science of resilience: implications for the prevention and treatment of depression. Science, 2012. 338(6103): p. 79-82.
  18. Tomlinson, A., Complex Instruction: A Model for Reaching Up—and Out. Gifted Child today, 2017. 41(1).