Cognition in Children for Teachers

How to use:

WAIT FOR THE VIDEO TO LOAD (its a very big file)

Volume: hover cursor over the speaker and then click on the vertical slide to increase or decrease volume.
Full Screen: click on black diamond in white square on the right .


This video-cast is the second in the series on Emotion and Cognition. It focuses on how the need to belong and the anxiety it produces can lead to anxiety and unhappiness. Much of this behavior is learned and cognitive reflection on behavioural response can help in learning more constructive ways f dealing with adversity.

Useful references
These books are referenced with reservations. They often have a feel of the "power of positive thinking" and  need to be read with filters that remove this ernestness. Nevertheless, they are well known and do contain useful and helpful information, particualr in relation to how to implement steps that change behaviour
Academic References

Bonanno, G.A. and M. Westphal, The three axioms of resilience. J. Trauma. Stress, 2024: p. 1-7.
Walters, D.M. and M. Maddaus, Strategies of Well-being Training and Resilience. Thorac Surg Clin, 2024. 34(3): p. 299-308.
Walsh, F., Applying a Family Resilience Framework in Training, Practice, and Research: Mastering the Art of the Possible. Fam Process, 2016. 55(4): p. 616-632.