Cognition in Children for Teachers
Lea Lawson

As a young teacher Lea Lawson was the founder of Pixie Child Centers in 1982 using the mantra ‘educationally orientated play’. Pixie was wholly unsubsidised and attracted the attention of the ‘not for profit’ sector to act as consultants and service providers for council, school and church childcare enterprises that were having difficulty. Pixie grew to involvement in six services. It soon became clear to Lea that there was an important interface between the world of childcare and the importance of early learning hence in 1991 a Pixie Centre was established next to Lenah Valley Primary School. Thus, children could benefit both from nurturing care and extended educational activities. This model was well supported by education, parents and service providers alike and grew to five such centers being developed in Tasmania under the guidance of Pixie. After 30 years in the Early Education sector and with a passion to understand the true meaning of diversity in children Lea returned to studies in 2007 at the University of Tasmania to increase her knowledge of the interface between brain science and education under the mentorship of Professor Malcolm Horne. Her degree followed by Honors and then being accepted to study at PhD level have confirmed her belief that we must truly understand diversity in children if they are to become successful confident learners. This interest is ongoing.

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